BBW Dating
Common Mistakes Women Make on BBW Dating Sites
Are you struggling to connect with men on BBW dating sites? Before you start blaming your looks or the site for being a scam, consider to look at your online dating habits to see if you are self-sabotaging yourself on these dating sites. Your profile or your attitude online can easily ruin your chances of hooking up with someone so let's review common mistakes women make on BBW dating sites to make sure you aren't committing any of them.
Your pictures suck
If your primary profile picture is unappealing then you're starting at a big disadvantage. This picture is the first thing that guys are going to see so you need to make sure it is perfect. One of the worst photos you could post are group shots with multiple women. How are guys supposed to know which one you are? These are frustrating to men and they will avoid these profiles. Use a solo picture that shows off your best assets.
You're not open enough
Your profile needs to be open to the point where guys can connect with you on some level. They like seeing that you have things in common that they can use as an ice breaker to get conversations started with. If you're profile is vague and has little information then it makes it harder for guys to connect with you. Favorite foods/restaurants, hobbies, movies, books, etc help guys connect and break the ice.
You're self obsessed
Communication is a two way street. Even though the guys are likely on the BBW dating site to find someone like you, you need to listen to them and ask them questions as well. Don't make the conversations only about you and what you're looking for or else they won't last long.
You're too easy going
If you come off as too accessible or open then you may come off a little desperate to men. You should have enough information on your profile to get men interested, but not enough to make them bored or scared off.
You're too passive
Stop waiting for men to contact you. It used to be a rule that guys are supposed to initiate conversations but that's not the case these days. Many men find it sexy when women make the first move in a relationship so if you're interested in someone then send him a message. The worst thing that could happen is that some online stranger doesn't respond. No real harm or loss. One of the draws of BBWs are that they are confident so be confident and get the man that you want. You're on a BBW dating site and you're a beautiful BBW, you're desired by all the men on the site so go get some.
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