Affair Advice
5 Ways to Keep Your Dating Profile Hidden From Your Spouse
If you're thinking you want to have an affair or have begun to sleep with a married woman, chances are you don't want to get caught. Getting caught would more than likely end your marriage and if you have decided to cheat, divorce probably isn't something you want. Most people having an affair get caught for a few simple reasons, mainly indiscretion. If you avoid these common pitfalls, you can continue to have your happy marriage and your hot mistress without having to choose. Follow these tips and you will be way less likely to get caught.
#1 - Use a Vague Profile Photo
If you are using affair dating sites, you will need to upload a photo to get interaction from the other married women on the site. However, you don't want anyone you know who is scrolling dating profiles to pick you out of the group. Your main profile photo should be unrecognizable as you. You can either blur the face or simply wear a hat and sunglasses. If the affair site allows you to upload multiple photos or have a private gallery, then you would use those for more detailed photos of yourself.
#2 - Make Up a Brand New User Name
If you are used to using the same user handle for gaming profiles, emails, and/or all your normal logins, chances are your spouse knows what it is. You need to create something brand new. Creating a new name can be difficult to remember, but it'll lessen the odds that you'll get caught. No matter how clever you are or how much you think your wife hates video games, she will absolutely notice if you use your Steam account name. And if she doesn't, there's a good chance that someone who's friended your account will. Piss them off, and they might tell your wife.
#3 - Don't Use Your Personal Email Account
This is so easy to do and should really be a no brainer. Even if your wife doesn't know how to login to your personal email, you don't want to take that chance. What if you are checking your email and she sees over your shoulder "you have received a message from 69_tiffanyxx"? Don't take that risk. If you use one email account for all of your affair dating activities and make sure to logout every single time you are done checking your email, then you also won't have to delete emails. Also, this should go without saying... but DO NOT use your work email address!
#4 - Be Careful About Who You Exchange Message With
It's a common mistake. You see hundreds of sexy, half nude women that you would love to have an affair with. So you just spam message all of them. Not only is this going to be obvious to the women who you message and end up with you getting ignored, but its also dangerous. The last thing you want to do is accidentally end up messaging your wife's co-worker or even relative. Read though a profile thoroughly before sending her a message. And then get a good feel for who she is and that you have a connection before agreeing to meet. This might sound tedious, but don't forget that your entire life and marriage is on the line here.
#5 - Make Some Detail Changes on Your Profile
Many affair dating sites allow you to look for potential cheating partners through advanced search, like height, location, etc. So you might want to tweet some of your details just enough that you can't be found in that way. Be careful not to change things so much that your new mistress will be shocked at the differences, but do make some small changes like changing your age by a couple of years or your height by a couple of inches. Do this and you will remain incognito when your wife searches for exact details.
Implement these six changes and you'll be in good shape with a low profile online. Obviously there are much more obvious things you can do to get caught cheating, but these small changes will ensure that you won't get FOUND online if your wife is suspicious and is searching for you. If you are discreet offline, then your bases should be covered.
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